Wednesday, January 5, 2011


In the past two years of my life, I've become very restless. I feel the need often to get up and go somewhere different, even if it's for just one night or a couple of hours. Whenever I leave a place, naturally, I leave things behind - things I hate and things I love. But my desire to find comfort in things I love is never strong enough to overpower the sense that I need to move.

I find it a bit odd that I find discontent in staying in one place for too long. I was always searching for something secure, something stable. I feel like my more adventurous side said "Screw that, you don't need anything but a sense of self. Go somewhere!" And so I have been, little by little. I went further away for college than I planned to (all the way to the booming metropolis of Syracuse, NY). Then I moved to New York City on my own last summer. In not even a full two weeks, I'll take on London.

I feel like tons of people study abroad, so it seems so strange to think of it as a big deal, but I go back and forth day by day between being incredibly excited and incredibly anxious. I know that I am capable of taking care of myself, but living in Europe for a semester just seems a little outrageous to me. But really, what I need is something outrageous. Something to shake me up a little bit and change me for the better. And I'm completely open to any new adventure that the world will throw at me. Really, I am. Well, at least for today.

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